The Play Era
The Cost of modern life: The Neurosis Epidemic
Our interactions with life have changed by means of going further and further away from natural perceptions and responses. We have to conform to the ways of the modern world at any cost, otherwise, the unemployed won’t get their benefit, the elderly won’t have the appointment with their doctors, we won’t be able to see our bill/statement and most companies would go out of business.
The mental health issues, poverty, lack of hope/trust and breakdown of the nation has risen exponentially and widespread. We have never had so much food in the history of human race and never have humans been so undernourished. The stress levels of the masses are hovering on neurosis levels. The decency of a person is measured by their credit rating and that is measured by the level of their conformity. Media-set dichotomies fuel our prejudices blatantly. Despite people cliquing into the idea of ‘community’ as a rescue, we are separating more and more from each other and nature. Man is finally able to become an island.
So, living within a neurotic society, we feel we need something extra to make us right. And we seek therapy, more money, puffed up lips, more products, nature bathing, thumbs up from strangers online, a new diet, intoxicants, gurus, Tai Chi, a clique to accept us, bizarreness, and lots more. Funny enough, what we chose as our rescue often depends on what advert is on our screen!
I am not here to paint a picture of doom and gloom or solve the issues of the world…. On the contrary, I am here to tell you of joys of life. I only mentioned all this so to ask you, how the conformity to the modern world has affected your attention. And to remind you that we don’t need anything extra ‘out there’ as the magic lies within us.
Where we decide to focus our attention makes all the difference. Attention affects our thoughts, words, and deeds. We can live within the crazy world yet be happy, healthy, and enough!
In the movie Papillon, in order to break his character, Henri Charriere (played by Steve McQueen) was put in solitary confinement, under gruesome conditions and with no sunlight. They expected that should he come out alive, he will be broken. Instead, to the guard’s amazement, he emerged walking tall and fit – determined and un-wavered. Because he focused his attention to make use of the slither of sunlight in his cell every day, and to exercise mentally and physically in preparation of his emergence.
In the midst of adversity, where do you direct your attention?
If an alien spaceship is quietly landing on one side of the road, and on the other side there is a building on fire with people killing each other in front of it, which side do you think we will be more distracted by?
May it be, that the modern world continually creates brighter, more sensational and more shocking distractions in order to have our attention fixed? You always have a choice, you know!
Day Dreaming
Now, let me ask you, when was the last time you daydreamed?
When was the last time you caught yourself enjoying an innocent and spontaneous play?
Daydreaming and play are associated to children. Stages of life has been compartmentalised in such a way that allocates permission on how we should behave/live. Adult plays have turned into competitions and something with an end result in mind. We ignore the fact that daydreaming and play are intrinsic in human learning, creativity and health. At ALL ages.
Daydreaming benefits the memory, creativity, health of the brain and hormones, mental health, confidence, decision making, physical health and wellbeing and behaviour.
Our adult minds are so busy dealing with the pressures of the world that we have no time or inclination for play. Any spare attention we have goes into the TV, social media or being numb after a stressful day. I halt most of my clients amidst their tears and complaining and ask: When was the last time you daydreamed? And they look at me with a strange surprised look and go quiet. It is obvious that this natural art of our life, had generally become so alien to us.
Daydreaming allows us to focus on what suits US! Brings choices and solutions that are not out there. Brings joy and contentment that is instant and free. It is you creating your own ideal world and situations, and it invites your attention to it. And “Where the attention goes, energy flows”.
Why don’t we do it then? In fact, why has it become an excuse to be mocked.
There has been a prevalence of artists throughout history. But the recent years’ renaissance of artisans all through the western world is a sign of people yearning to play. The artisans are usually Jills/Jacks of all trades and although skilled, but usually they are Master of none. It is a joy to observe how they play with different material, mediums, concepts – how they are autodidact in trying new ideas and tools and share their creation no matter how perfect or imperfect it is. The more stresses the society puts on us, the more helpless we find ourselves in finding solutions, the more likely we are to go back to the inherent need for play.
Look at a child, or a kitten…how in awe are they of experimenting, mucking about, enjoying. Relentlessly, they seek play. As adults, we are the sum of all we have been in the past…why have we left ‘play’ behind? It is there to be used, applied, enjoyed, at any time.
Life is play. It is up to us if we want to take part in it or not. When I worked with job seekers, their whole intention and attitude towards nailing a job changed when the process of job searching became fun. When I was consulting to help people declutter their lives, the mere idea of ‘beautifying for your pleasure’ as opposed to ‘cleaning as a chore’ fundamentally changed their attitude and habits towards their environment. The job you hate can become a playground, if you place your attention to your birth right of joy. This will make you more productive, better at your interactions and able to witness the game of ‘you versus them’, whether you are an introvert or extrovert or in-between.
In the Play Era workshop, we will delve into these two most important elements of your life: Daydreaming and Play.
We will learn how to HALT – halting out the politics, responsibilities, problematic relationships, loneliness, past influences, and all that which normally steals the joy out of your life. We will use tools and activities to blend in the elements of various stages of your life to bring to the foreground that which brings productivity, healing, equilibrium, and joy. How you wish to use these tools, is entirely up to you and what life you intend to create.